Monday 31 March 2014

豉油皇虾 Pan-Fried Prawns in Premium Soy Sauce






(食谱参考Day Day Cook,做少许更改)

中虾 10只(去肠泥)
青葱 2根(切1寸长段)
蒜头 2瓣
酱油 1-2汤匙
绍兴花雕酒 1汤匙
红辣椒 1条(斜切片)

酱油 1汤匙
绍兴花雕酒 1汤匙
粟粉 1茶匙
白胡椒粉 1/2茶匙
糖 1茶匙
麻油 1茶匙

1. 将大虾腌制5分钟。
2. 在油锅中以高火加热适量的油,加入蒜头和青葱炒香。
3. 加入大虾煎至两面金黄。
4. 加入酱油和绍兴花雕酒调味。
5. 加入红辣椒椒,加盖煮一分钟。(时间视虾的大小而定,请自行调整)
6. 然后加上葱段快速翻炒。熄火,盛入盘中,乘热食用。

Pan-Fried Prawns in Premium Soy Sauce

(Recipe adapted from Day Day Cook, with some minor adjustments)

10 medium prawns (deveined)
2 stalk spring onion (cut into1 inch long)
2 cloves garlic
1-2tbsp soy sauce
1tbsp Hua Diao Shao Xing Wine (Chinese cooking wine)
1 red Chilli (sliced ​​diagonally)

1tbsp soy sauce
1tbsp Hua Diao Shao Xing Wine (Chinese cooking wine)
1tsp corn starch
1/2tsp white pepper
1tsp sugar
1tsp sesame oil

1. Marinate the prawns for 5 minutes.
2. Heat up some oil on high heat. Add garlic and spring onions.
3. Add prawns to pan fry until golden brown on both side.
4. Season the prawns with soy sauce and Hua Diao Shao Xing Wine.
5. Add red chilli and cover with lid, cook for 1 minutes. (The time of cooking is depending on the size of the prawns, please adjust accordingly)
6. When ready, add some spring onions and quickly stir fry. Transfer to serving plate and it's ready to serve.

I am submitting this post to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Moon from Food playground at this post.


  1. Hi Violet,

    This is a classic Chinese prawn dish and you have cooked it fabulously well :D


  2. Hello violet, 你 好! 可 以 知 道 你 在 食 谱 里 写 的 酱 油 是 黑 酱 油 吗? 可以分享你用的是什么牌子的酱油吗?谢 谢! 很 喜 欢 你 的 部 落 格 和 所 有 的 食 谱! :)


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